Full Body Detox Loose Leaf Tea


9 in stock

SKU: FBDLL0001 Category:


This minty tea helps to detox liver, kidneys, blood and lymphatic system.
This is a great reset tea and may also be very beneficial for eczema.

10 signs your body is giving you if you need a detox?
1. Headaches⁠
2. Increased belly fat, edema/water retention⁠
3. Cravings and/or blood sugar issues⁠
4. Overheating/excess sweating⁠
5. Acne, rosacea, itchy skin, eczema⁠
6. Low energy/ Fatigue unrelieved by sleep⁠
7. Moodiness or anger⁠
8. Nausea⁠
9. Chemical sensitivity – smelling fragrances or chemicals makes you sick⁠
10. Insomnia – especially waking between 2-4 am.

Ingredients: Dandelion Root, Burdock Root, Peppermint, Spearmint, Chicory root, St john wort, Red clover, Oregon grape root, Blessed thistle, Sheep sorrel, Licorice root and Nettles


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